
Ürünler Description

SV7937TH F1

Cultivation Area I Season I Segment:
Greenhouse I Early Spring I Round Tomato
Traits & Advantages:
  • It is suitable for the planting in early spring and Its toleration to cold is very high.
  • Medium plant vigour.
  • It has a regular internode and regular cluster formation.
  • Fruit set is spectacular during cold seasons and the average fruit number is 5-7 in each cluster.
  • The fruit shape is flat and round.Coloring start from inside to outside of the fruit.
  • The fruit is very tasty and includes high lycopene rate.
  • The fruit color is bright,dark red even in the cold seasons.
  • It is a very early variety and It provides high yield due to its earliness.
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Va:0 | Vd:0
Contact Details:
Proto Tohum
+90 (242) 312 65 16